Safety First: Utility Locates Required Before grinding any stump, we submit utility locate requests to ensure there are no underground utilities in the area. This is a crucial step to prevent damage to buried gas, electric, water, or communication lines. Once the locate is completed, utility companies mark the area with spray-painted indicators or flags, and we receive the official "OK" to proceed. Safety is our top priority, and we take every precaution to protect your property and underground infrastructure.

Watch Out for Buried Utilities! This stump may look harmless, but with underground utility lines nearby, one wrong move could spell trouble. Cut one of those lines, and suddenly, the whole block is out of power, water, or internet—not exactly the kind of attention we want! That’s why we always submit utility locate requests before grinding, ensuring a safe and hassle-free job every time.

Example of a stump marked OK before grinding.

Examples of flags and markings that could be present in your yard after a utilities locate request.